We Are Purchasing Books
We are currently purchasing high demand titles and authors. Purchase is contingent on condition of books; our standards are very high! Purchase amounts are less than the amount of store credit you would receive for the same books (usually about half as much). Purchase amounts over $20 are paid by cheque. We may require government issued photo ID. This list may not cover every book we are able to purchase; if you are unsure about a title or author, feel free to contact us. We are happy to provide more information.
This list may change over time to reflect our current stock.
Anne Carson
Brandon Sanderson
C. S. Lewis (nonfiction)
Cormac McCarthy
G. W. F. Hegel
George Orwell
Haruki Murakami
Ian M. Banks
J. R. R. Tolkien
Jacques Derrida
Jacques Lacan
Joe Abercrombie
Kurt Vonnegut
Madeleine Miller
Mark Z. Danielewski
Martin Heidegger
Octavia E. Butler
Philip K. Dick
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Sarah J. Maas
Slavoj Zizek
Stephen King (older titles)
Steven Erikson
Terry Pratchett
Ursula K. Le Guin
Harry Potter
Fahrenheit 451
The Count of Monte Cristo
Gift editions such as Folio Society, Franklin Library, Easton Press, etc.
Plant and mushroom identification guides
RPG guides ie. Dungeons and Dragons
Oracle cards